Posted by: MichelleChant | November 16, 2011

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I don’t blog here any more … check out my new blog at


Posted by: MichelleChant | January 31, 2011

Is this who I am?

I was standing in a luxurious tent. There was carpet over the sand floor. Sheer curtains fluttering in the breeze.

She appeared behind a curtain of shimmering, vibrant orange.

“This is who I am,” she said.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“You,” she said.

My inner-goddess danced behind the shimmering curtain … “dance”, she said.

I felt my body begin to move, and then I woke up.

I can feel the changes in my body. I can see them. There are changes.

This morning my top was hanging on me … a much larger body used to fill it out. My skin feels and looks hydrated, in fact its glowing.

I feel incredibly vibrant and radiant!

Trying to eat six small meals a day is proving challenging. I’ve spent so many years trying to eat as little as possible, that now that I have to eat more its hard. Sometimes I forget to eat. I used to be able to go an entire weekend without eating. You think I’d lose weight, but no, my body would go into famine mode and just pile it on.

A friend asked me on the weekend how I’m eating all that protein – mainly meat. I explained that 100 grams for main meals and between 50-100 grams for my ‘in-between meals’  really wasn’t all that much. Especially when you cut out those nasty carbs called simple carbohydratess. I haven’t had a potatoe, rice or pasta in over a week.  And the funny thing is, I’m not missing them.

I jumped on the scales yesterday and peaked down. My weight loss wasn’t quite what I was hoping for … I have lost a total of  2.5 kg … I know, I know that’s still pretty good, but that time of the month decided to interfere, so I’ll never really know my true first week’s weight loss.


I unconditionally accept my feelings about my body.

Posted by: MichelleChant | January 26, 2011

Learning to love my body

Well its Day 4 of my new life. I finished the 3-day carb detox yesterday, and I’m feeling pretty good. Actually, I feel great.

It’s true what they say. Complete a carb detox and your sugar cravings just disappear.

So what did I eat on my carb detox? I had six small protein meals a day. Here’s an example of what I ate:

  1. Breakfast – a poached egg and a slice of bacon
  2. Morning tea – a 65 gram tin of tuna or salmon
  3. Lunch – 100 grams of chicken breast
  4. Afternoon Tea – 100 grams of ham
  5. Dinner – a barramundi fillet (approx 100 grams)

The aim of the six small meals is to kick start your metabolism. And by eating every two to three hours, you don’t get hungry.

Make sure you drink between two to three litres of water each day, try to stay away from coffee, alcohol and other stimulants. I also drank lots of lemongrass & giner tea over this time. Aside from tasting great, its great for the digestion.

I feel thinner. I’ve lost all my bloating, so I also look visibly thinner.

Today I’m allowed to introduce complex carbohydrates into my eating plan. That means I can eat a slice of multi-grain bread, vegetables and salad.

My affirmation today is:

I love and accept my body, as it is splendid just as it is.

I’ve spent the day today examining my beliefs about my body. Some of these inner beliefs are empowering, but some have been having a very damaging effect on me. Food for thought …

Posted by: MichelleChant | January 25, 2011

A reading for Tammy

Hi Tammy, your card is Blossoming Spirit, I hope it resonates with you.

    The spirit is life. The mind is the builder. The physical is the result. –Edgar Cayce

Soul Message: Earth, ourselves, Breathe and awaken, leaves are stirring, all things moving, new day coming, life renewing. –Pawnee Prayer

Alchemy and Transformation: Called the “visible face of God,” this “robe of light” comes to those who have become so familiar with the infinite power of love and wisdom in the universe that it has now merged with their inner being. Blossoming Spirit (The Hierophant) comes to heal any rigid beliefs or misuses of power exhibited by the Emporer, reminding humanity of the never ceasing need for unity of body, mind, and spirit. The power of the heart, the fourth chakra, has been activated, aligned, and utilized as the primary source of inspiration for the journey ahead. At this stage of initiation, the essence of the divine spark becomes available to all living beings, sparking the potential for bliss within the heart of humanity.

Awakening to the Archetype – Virgin of Light: The luminous core of all mani-festations is feminine in nature. Ultimately, the unseen face of the Goddess—sometimes detected in the imagery of sunlight filtered through the natraul landscapes of the arth—is offered as “the Light of the world.” The light of creation is born out of the spark of love embodied within the human being. Its source is the Great Mother Goddess.

Everyday Encounters: Each day there is a seed of inspiration seeking fertile ground to gestate and grow. These various inspirations and ideas are ready to be fulfilled within your life.

Posted by: MichelleChant | January 25, 2011

A reading for Michele Anne

Hi Michele, your card is Kundalini Rising, I hope it resonates with you.

    The same stream of life that runs through the world runs through my veins night and day in rhythmic measure. It is the same life that shoots in joy through the dust of the earth into numberless waves of flowers. –Tagore

Soul Message: The key to your happiness and contentment lies within you, within your own heart and mind. The way you start each day is very important; you can start off on the right foot or on the wrong one. You can wake up with a song of joy and gratitude in your heart for the new day, for being alive, for the very wonder of living, and for being in tune and harmony with the rhythm of all life. You can expect the very best from the coming day and therefore draw it to you. Or you can start the day with a chip on your shoulder, disgruntled and out of rhythm. You are responsible for what today will bring, and knowing it gives you an even greater responsibility than those souls who are not aware of it and therefore know no better. You cannot blame your state of mind on anyone else. It all rests with you. –Eileen Caddy (from The Spirit of Findhorn)

Alchemy and Transformation: At this stage of initiation, the soul moves beyond judgment, error, and limitation, for the lightning bolt has struck a responsive cord within. The aspirant is shown the power of his or her mortal and spiritual choices. At this level of awareness, the opportunity for self-transcendence is made known. One is shocked into stillness and surrender. Defensive strategies and systems of denial fall away and all that remains is the wisdom of one’s true nature.

Awakening to the Archetype – Oya (Goddess of Winds, Tornadoes, and Lightning):
Through Her ability to swiftly change and alter realities, Oya ignites the spark of transcendence within your soul. She aids you as you burn through the veil of attachment that has hindered your ability to fully embrace your destiny. Her bolt of lightning, along with Her fierce winds and storm, electrifies your inner life.

Everyday Encounters: Powerful, unexpected events may surface at this time, asking you to look deeply into the interior of your present life circumstances. What growth opportunities knock at the door of your heart? Have faith in yourself and the changes you are invited to make at this time. Move with this energy by speaking your truth and making the necessary changes to set yourself free from the confines of the past.

Posted by: MichelleChant | January 25, 2011

A reading for Marcia

Hi Marcia, your card is Infinite Potential, I hope this resonates with you.

    Water symbolizes the whole of potentiality – the source of all possible existence. –Mircea Eliade

Soul Message: If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it. –William Arthur Ward
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
–Japanese Proverb
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. – Carl Jung

Alchemy and Transformation: At this exalted juncture, one may become sensitive to energy fields and vortexes, ley lines, and power centers within the body of the earth. The human body, containing the miracle of the Divine Feminine, is once again in union with the Tree of Life that birthed the potential of the world. Once you realize this, you become a strong vessel of unlimited love, light, and wisdom.

Awakening to the Archetype –Sheela Na Gig (The Green Woman): Sheela Na Gig embodies a most profound and complete understanding of the Trinitarian nature of Infinite Potential, for She is Mother, Maiden, and Crone—all three aspects of the Triple Goddess—in one. What She teaches us is that without the death energy of the Crone, the Maiden cannot conceive and the Mother cannot give birth.

Everyday Encounters: You encounter the Triple Goddess of Infinite Potential whenever you conceive a thought or emotion and let it ripen in the womb of pure awareness before sharing it with the world. When you allow old habits and patterns to die a natural death, making room for the possibility of a new you. Tap into your psychic abilies. Trust your intuition.

Posted by: MichelleChant | January 25, 2011

A reading for Elysebeth

Hi Elysebeth, your card is Ancestors, I hope it resonantes with you.

    Yet it is in this loneliness that the deepest activities begin. It is here that you discover act without motion, labor that is profound repose, vision in obscurity, and beyond all desire, a fulfillment whose limits extend to infinity. –Thomas Merton

Soul Message: The golden light of wisdom that shines deep within the cave of my heart ignites the spark of divine life that is buried deep in my soul. The knowledge of my ancestry sleeps within my memory. I journey into the cavern of darkness where I may retrieve the treasure of insight and new understanding.

Alchemy and Transformation: This point of initiation entails sustained meditation, contemplation, and quiet reflection – out of which come revelation and insight. In our busy world, it is difficult to find the time to slow down and experience the tranquility that can facilitate one’s journey inward. However, at this stage of purification and growth, it is of the utmost importance to draw one’s boundaries with care. The essential journey into the recesses of the unconscious facilitates the inner knowledge that will lay the foundation of an enlightened future.

Awakening to the Archetype – The Wise Woman/Crone: One does not have to be in menopause or over fifty years of age to arrive at this powerful place. There are times in our lives, regardless of age, when we must journey into the darkened caverns of the soul in order to heed the call of transition and transformation. Inner work undertaken at this time will set the karmic chain of cause and effect in motion for a rewarding future life.

Everyday Encounters: Ironically, to the extent we resist the invitation to journey within—when that is clearly what is called for—we may experience depression or melancholy. We end up withdrawing from the world into a kind of tortured isolation, never realizing that the Bogey Man is only a Bogey Man until we turn and face him. Find a quiet place that opens your heart and soul to the beauty within. This all-encompassing luminosity is the creative matrix for your new and renewed self.

    Yet it is in this loneliness that the deepest activities begin. It is here that you discover act without motion, labor that is profound repose, vision in obscurity, and beyond all desire, a fulfillment whose limits extend to infinity. –Thomas Merton

Soul Message: The golden light of wisdom that shines deep within the cave of my heart ignites the spark of divine life that is buried deep in my soul. The knowledge of my ancestry sleeps within my memory. I journey into the cavern of darkness where I may retrieve the treasure of insight and new understanding.

Alchemy and Transformation: This point of initiation entails sustained meditation, contemplation, and quiet reflection – out of which come revelation and insight. In our busy world, it is difficult to find the time to slow down and experience the tranquility that can facilitate one’s journey inward. However, at this stage of purification and growth, it is of the utmost importance to draw one’s boundaries with care. The essential journey into the recesses of the unconscious facilitates the inner knowledge that will lay the foundation of an enlightened future.

Awakening to the Archetype – The Wise Woman/Crone: One does not have to be in menopause or over fifty years of age to arrive at this powerful place. There are times in our lives, regardless of age, when we must journey into the darkened caverns of the soul in order to heed the call of transition and transformation. Inner work undertaken at this time will set the karmic chain of cause and effect in motion for a rewarding future life.

Everyday Encounters: Ironically, to the extent we resist the invitation to journey within—when that is clearly what is called for—we may experience depression or melancholy. We end up withdrawing from the world into a kind of tortured isolation, never realizing that the Bogey Man is only a Bogey Man until we turn and face him. Find a quiet place that opens your heart and soul to the beauty within. This all-encompassing luminosity is the creative matrix for your new and renewed self.

Posted by: MichelleChant | January 25, 2011

A reading for Carrie

Hi Carrie, your card is Infinite Bliss, I hope it resonates with you.

    O happy soul, whose body has risen from the Earth which you wander and tread on during your sojourn in this world. Made to be the very mirror of Divinity, you have been crowned with divine imagination and intelligence. –Hildegard of Bingen

Soul Message: Through the energy centers within my body that carry the life force of the universe, I am in communion with Earth and stars. My thoughts, my actions, my creative vitality, birth the return of the Great Bliss Queen. I shall walk the path of Infinite Bliss. My heart glows with divine love and joy.

Alchemy and Transformation: At this stage of initiation—through regular prayer, meditation, and visualization—the human body begins to transform into a being of Infinite Bliss. The organs are strengthened and new levels of perception are awakened. The preconditions necessary to attain true peace and freedom have been fulfilled.

Awakening to the Archetype –The Great Bliss Queen of Tibet : The Great Bliss Queen has completely gone beyond the human tendency to solidify and objectify the things of this world. For Her, life is a holographic dance of translucent, rainbow-colored patterns of energy that dip and swirl and interweave. She smiles and laughs because She is fundamentally free, and because She knows that we are, too!

Everyday Encounters: You encounter the Great Bliss Queen in your life when you are fully present and alive in the world of form, while fully immersed in your flaming wisdom bliss. When you dance wild and naked in the moonlight; moan in ecstasy; squeal with delight; sign in sweet repose; or have a good, hard belly laugh at the sheer absurdity and wonder of it all. When you let your heart break open to the agony and the ecstasy, and especially when you discover that agony and ecstasy are, ultimately, one and the same. In short, once you have awakened to your own blissful nature, you encounter the Great Bliss Queen everywhere. There is no place She is not. She is All. All is Bliss.

Posted by: MichelleChant | January 25, 2011

A reading for Lorna Jane

Hi Lorna Jane, your card is The Journey Home, I hope it resonates with you.

    I was shown a fledgling learning to fly. Its first efforts were very feeble, but as it used its wings more and more, they became stronger until it found the freedom of flight and was able to soar to great heights and fly great distances without any effort. I heard the words: Faith comes with practice. Live by faith until it becomes rocklike, unshakable, and find the true freedom of the Spirit. –Eileen Caddy

Soul Message: We go beyond the veil of fear, lighting each other’s way. The holiness that leads us is within us, as is our home. –A Course in Miracles

Alchemy and Transformation: It is at this stage of initiation the individual becomes aware of his or her unique existence and must find a way “home” to the soul. A new level of maturation emerges, for one must meet the challenge of individution head-on. One must learn to engage with the intermediaries of the soul and live through the intuitive self that, in time, becomes the primary organ of perception.

Awakening to the Archetype – Bird Woman: The bird is a symbol of expanded consciousness and from very early times has been associated with reincarnation and rebirth. You are invited to take flight into the great heavens within your soul as you journey into the vast terrain of your deepest truth and wisdom. Identify your own journey and fly straight into the ecstasy of self-realization and rebirth.

Everyday Encounters: It is time to slow down, open the door and meet your destiny. Immerse yourself in nature. Look into the mystery of life with new eyes. Something magical is afoot. The time is now to find right relationship between body, soul and spirit.

Posted by: MichelleChant | January 25, 2011

A reading for Catherine Maree

Hi Catherine Maree, your card is Flying into Spring, I hope it resonantes with you.

    Behold, a sacred voice is calling you. All over the sky a sacred voice is calling you.
    –Black Elk

Soul Message: The bird flying free in the sky is my totem. I open my arms to embrace the wind that has captured my soul. The splendor of flight and the vision of new horizons call to me. I am free.

Alchemy and Transformation: Initiation and awakening move the soul toward new pastures of experience: places we didn’t dare visit, situations we shied away from, inner stirrings we thought we should suppress. The ability to rise above everyday restrictions of old routines and move upward toward the spacious imaginative mountaintop of new possibilities becomes the new theme in life. This is the time to break free. Be responsible and do no harm, while simultaneously meeting the void of the unknown with an open heart and wing.

Awakening to the Archetype – The Fairy Queen: The fairies were known to be the “Mothers” of the unseen and magical realms. The fairy realm forms a bridge between the kingdoms of nature and humanity, opening the channels for the spark of divine inspiration to manifest within the human soul. They are our constant, invisible helpers, awakening the angelic song of spirit in the heart of humanity and all of Earth’s creatures. With the blessing and guidance of the Fairy Queen, fly into the sky of your deepest desires, weave a cloak of new possibilities, dance yourself into new ways of being.

Everyday Encounters: As you walk the path of the Fairy Queen (the Fool), be aware of the light within you. Breathe in the colors of the rainbow, and breathe out the forms you imagine them taking. Be aware of leaves on trees and shrubs, and of budding flowers; they are reflections of new potential growing within you. Free yourself. Allow the high vibrations of the fairy realm to electrify your dreams. Be alive!

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